Marv Wolfman is one of the living legends of American comics, with remarkable works such as TOMB OF DRACULA, NEW TEEN TITANS and the astounding CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, which was a revolution in the field.
Here with us he will talk a little about his works and his partners, the process of character development in TOMB OF DRACULA and his favorite books these days.
CLÁUDIO FIGUEIREDO & OCTAVIO ARAGÃO: Could you tell us some background about CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS? How the idea started? Any influence by some literary Science Fiction?
MARV WOLFMAN: Pretty much everything has been said on Crisis. There were several problems at DC at the time. Sales were bad (they're bad now but the entire industry sales are bad) and Marvel readers wouldn't be caught dead reading DC comics. I felt, as did many, that although DC fans understood the multiple Earths perfectly and without trouble, it was a problem to attract new readers and possibly a sign of DC problem for the Marvel zombies. By simplifying the DC universe I believed we could attract new readers, which we did. Crisis was one of the first DC Comics (Titans being the other) that Marvel readers check out.

MW: I think there's a schizophrenic feel at DC. Some of the books are very 2003 and some read like they were done in 1970. I have no problem with bringing back old stuff, but it needs to be made new as opposed to referencing it as something old. We should not be looking back that much.
CM: What is the secret plot device hidden inside CRISIS that could bring Barry Allen, The Flash, back to life?
MW: For the answer check out my website under Q&A.
OA: What's you literary influences and what's your favorite work outside the comics industry?
MW: I like reading history books. Non fiction. In fiction I prefer mysteries and such to adventure books.
OA: You have worked with some of the finest artists in America, such as George Perez and Gene Colan, among others. Who was your favorite partner and why?
MW: Impossible to answer. George could not have done Dracula half as well as Gene and Gene could not have done Titans half as well as George. Every artist is unique. But as far as partnerships go, Gene generally followed my stories and did tremendous, brilliant work with my plots, whereas after the first two years or so,George and I tended to work out the stories together. I'd come in with a rough concept then we'd plot it out together which made for great stuff.

MW: All I ever read was the original Dracula novel. I had never seen any of the movies, so I was not influenced by anyone other than Stoker. I think that helped. Plus, I was given the freedom to do the kinds of stories I wanted to write. Also, my thought was the book took place in the 1970s when I wrote it. To write it like it took place in the 1870s would have been wrong. Lastly, I thought of the book as a series of character studies, and if you are true to your characters, everything else will work out, assuming, of course, a basic level of talent.
Thank you very much, Mr Wolfman!
More info about Marv Wolfman.
2 comentários:
Ótima entrevista, parabéns aos intempoliciais. Tumba de Drácula foi um dos primeiros quadrinhos que li na infância e me marcou bastante. Tinha um desenvolvimento de personagens e uma sensação de passagem de tempo mais reais e palpáveis que as das demais séries da Marvel. E Blade, claro, pelo qual Wolfman deveria estar rico se o mundo fosse justo.
Oi, Alexandre.
É uma entrevista velhinha e perdemos a oportunidade de falar sobre a nova Crise do Morrison ou os Titãs na TV, mas ainda assim foi legal, apesar de curtinha.
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